Serving our community from within
This public health unit initially formed in January of 1983, when a board came together to put plans in place. The office has been housed in various locations in Steele, ND throughout the years – the courthouse, senior center, mini mall, and currently its own independent building/office. Previously MedCenter1 owned the building – when that location closed our board rented it until our purchase in approximately 2010.
Currently, KCDHU employs two nurses and one administrator. We serve the whole county. We offer many services to individuals throughout the lifespan (see page 4). A board of 5 voting members oversees the activity of the health unit. This board includes our medical director and one county commissioner.
Over time, our district health unit has adjusted our services and staff to fit the needs of the county. We are truly committed to our mission. Our staff have deep roots in the county and have established relationships with those we serve. We hope these relationships foster a sense of trust in us and public health that will only better serve the population of Kidder County. It is one major benefit to having a small health unit.

KCDHU staff:
Tricia Steinke – RN, Admin, DON, PHEP coordinator, school liaison
Janel Brousseau – Office manager
Autumn Fallgatter – RN, Tobacco Coordinator
Our Staff
We are committed to your health and promise to deliver care that fits your needs
Our office
You can expect quality, compassionate care no matter who you are.