Meet the staff!

We are committed to helping build a healthy community!


We live here too! We are raising children in this community and want it to be a great, safe, and healthy place to live for generations to come.

We may be a small health unit, but we work hard for you.


Tricia Steinke, RN: Administrator, Director of Nursing, PHEP coordinator, school liason

Janel Brousseau: office manager

Autumn Fallgatter, RN: Tobacco Coordinator

Innovative Collaboration with KC School

Check out the article about a fun collaboration between our public health office and the KC school!

Meet Sarena! She was hired in Sept 2024 as a paraprofessional by KC school, with health focus. She passes meds, does preventative health education, and so much more!!

Keep Up to Date!

Our office offers ALL recommended childhood vaccinations, regardless of insurance status.

We also stock adult vaccines as well - including Tdap, pneumococcal, and will inject the shingles vaccine once picked up from the pharmacy.

Check it out!

New School Resource tab!

Check out the top of the page for a tab labeled "School Resources!" It will have immunization info, head lice resources, what we do, pics, etc!

Do you need something else there not listed? Reach out! We're happy to add anthing!

brown wooden table and chairs
brown wooden table and chairs

Be the Change

Expanded Nursing Services available to Northern Residents

Check out the newsletter tab to see the full article!

We are excited to welcome Nikki Mack, RN to help us with our expanded services up North.

If you or someone you love could benefit from these services, call our office at 475-2582.

Check it out!

Community Health Needs Assessment Final Report

green farming equipment on brown field
green farming equipment on brown field

What is Public Health?

Watch this video your local ND public health units put together to inform the public of our role in our communities.

At 3:00 you will see Kidder County featured!

Reach out for help!

You are not alone!

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.

Call or text 988 or chat for confidential support!

Managing Stress on the Farm and Ranch

Preventing Farmer Suicide: Collaboration and Communication

"Farmers face a multitude of unique stressors, such as difficult economic conditions and extreme weather. These challenges have led to a recent increase in the number of farmers taking their own lives. Experts discuss warning signs of suicide and how communities can help farmers and their families address mental health concerns."

Exciting office updates

We are doing some remodeling in one of our offices to better suit the needs of the county! Stay tuned for updates and offerings!


Quality, not quantity

Stay connected!

Download the Kidder County app available NOW in the Apple Store or Google Play!

It's FREE!

Get emergency alerts, access county wide community calendars, get health info all in one place.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Our office

422 2nd Ave NW

Steele, ND 58482

Monday - Thursday
9am - 4:30pm

Closed 12-1pm for lunch


9am - 12:30pm
